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International Resource Center


I am announcing a  new project that has three goals:

  1. Creating a new gallery of high quality graphic sprites and backgrounds, made by k-12 students
  2. Providing another way to collaborate between students in class and across the globe
  3. Promote the knowledge of other cultures by researching and designing sprites and backgrounds for Scratch

The idea is very simple. In each class there are several kids who draw extremely well in the Scratch paint editor or other drawing software.

The main drawback of Scratch projects is the limiting graphics that the default sprites and background offer.

The program (detailed in the PDF attached to this message) offered below, wish to create an international resource gallery that each school that participate in the program, will upload sprites and backgrounds that represent its culture, area and country.

For example. My students after doing research to define what are Israel's most famous sites, typical people, cars, animals vegetation etc. Will team up and draw these as sprites (like the dome of the rock as a background or a Haredic Jew or a Mazda 3 etc.) These sprites will be either graphic only or pre-program to the benefit of other Scratch developers.

Other schools will contribute their sprites and together we will offer a new way to develop Scratch projects without the frustration that some students experience because they can't draw.

If you wish to join this project. Email to

Looking forward to your comments and offers. Feel free to use the lesson plan as you like.
