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Scratch Day 2014 - Sao Paulo / Brazil

  On March, 17th we held the Scratch Day 2014 - São Paulo/Brazil. In this evente we used the Scratch 2.0 instead of 1.4, and about this I want to say that I really liked working with Scratch 2.0, however we found some technical issues that we'd like to share:

- During the event, 
3 or 4 times  "Motion" blocks disappeared, what was solved with screen refreshing;

- It wasn't possible to run Scratch 2.0 in some computers which screen resolution was 
800x600 pixels. This is the case of the computers used in a brazilian project called "Projeto UCA" [It is like OLPC (One Laptop per Child) where we use XO and Intel Classmate laptops]. In this case, it's better Scratch 1.4.  

  Even with these minor problems, the Scratch Day São Paulo was a fantastic experience.  What surprised me most was the motivation of children to create their own Scratch stories.

  A special thanks to Heloisa Zal by the leadership and organization of the event.

  Click in the picture below to see our very interesting video on Youtube (subtitles in English):


   Click in the picture below to see our pictures on Flickr: 


  Click in the picture below to see the project created by student Camila during Scratch Day 2014 - São Paulo/Brazil: 

Leonardo Barichello
Interessante! O evento foi promovido por algum grupo ou escola específicos? GOstaria de entrar em contato.
Bruno Bastos
 Olá Leonardo,

  O evento foi independente: reunimos algumas crianças e fizemos o Scratch Day. Quem organizou o evento foi a Heloísa, o e-mail dela é: