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ScratchEd Summer Series: Summer Reading that Helps to Cultivate a Creative Computing Mindset

Creative computing can feel completely intuitive to some and for others, it might feel more like using your non-dominant hand. Either way, we believe that books can help guide you through the process of integrating creative computing into your world. Here are 5 books that we find incredibly meaningful and helpful in the service of supporting both creativity and computing in education.

Click the author's name to learn more, or the quote to be directed to the book.

Steal Like an Artist (2012)
Austin Kleon 

A thoughtfully illustrated read for the educator who wants to learn more about remixing, dreaming, and expanding their creative potential.
(Kleon also happens to be the Keynote speaker for the 2018 Scratch Conference next week!)

Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas (1980)
Seymour Papert

A dense but invigorating read for the educator who is curious to explore some of the theoretical underpinnings of the Scratch programming language.

Lifelong Kindergarten:
Cultivating Creativity Through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play (2017)

Mitchel Resnick

A playful and inspiring read for the educator who wants to learn more about how and why our lives should be more like kindergarten.

Experience and Education (1938)
John Dewey 

A brief but poignant read for the educator who is seeking old wisdom about education for new times.

Lynda Barry

A colorful and magically illustrated book for the educator who is seeking to rediscover their inner artist through writing, drawing, and playing. 

What creative computing oriented books are you reading this summer!?
Tweet to @ScratchEdTeam with #CreativeComputing and let us know!