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Sharing with Scratch: Episode 6 - Giving and Receiving Feedback

What does it mean to share with Scratch?

Sharing with Scratch is a video webseries designed for Scratch Educators to encourage thought and conversation around the ways in which Scratch can promote cooperation and collaboration in the classroom. Brought to you by ScratchEd interns, Aaron Morris and Vanessa Gennarelli, each video episode will introduce a new strategy for helping you facilitate sharing in your classroom, including: brainstorming, remixing, checking in with a neighbor, publishing online, giving and receiving feedback, and group work. Join our cast of characters (both live action and animated in Scratch) as we present the benefits and tackle the challenges of Sharing with Scratch






  • Well received feedback can help to push ideas further.
  • It helps students learn appropriate and productive online etiquette.
  • Giving thoughtful feedback helps to focus ones outlook and can sharpen their own creative process.


  • It can be tough for students to take criticism, even if it’s well intentioned.
  • Online communities are susceptible to cyber bullying and harmful commenting.


  • Spend time talking about online etiquette; what it means to be a member of a community whether it be online or otherwise, what to do when you see harmful comments, and the different ways that members of communities choose to participate.
  • Focused Feedback: ask specific questions when soliciting feedback. This helps to get beyond broad strokes and helps to get students to hone in on the details.
  • Red Yellow Green: something you didn’t like, something you felt so-so about, and something you loved. This helps to ensure balanced feedback. 



Other Files: 
Karen Brennan

Not directly related to the feedback theme -- but this Edutopia article about managing large classes made me think of the "Sharing with Scratch" series!