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A Sixth Grader's Overview of Scratch Programming

The culminating assignment for our sixth-grade informational writing unit was for each student to write a piece about something that they felt they were really good at.  My student, Kenneth Yan, is a Scratch enthusiast, and he took to the task with vigor.

Kenneth scored an A+ on the assignment, hitting all the benchmarks, including clearly communicating information in writing; using proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage; paying attention to audience (in this case, sixth graders); using text formatting and graphics; extending personal knowledge through additional research; using parenthetical notation to attribute all sources; include a formal bibliography.

Kenneth is very excited to share his work with the Scratch community, and as his teacher I am very proud of his diligent and sincere work.

We hope you like it!

Click here to access the Calameo flip book:

Vincent De Jesus
 This is awesome!  I am going to share with my 8th graders this week. Thanks for sharing! 
Kevin Johnson

I have taught Grade Six for many years, and just started an after school club called "Codes and Robots" with two teaching colleagues at our school in Osaka, Japan. I read Kenneth's book, and agree with the high mark he received. I plan to read through the book with our club members at the next opportunity, as I believe it is a very good introduction to coding and Scratch in particular. That is was written by a Grade Six student is also an asset; our club is open for students from Grade Two to Grade Eight.