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Unity School Students Celebrate their First International Scratch Day - May 19, 2012

On Saturday, May 19th, more than 20 Unity School students rose early on a Saturday morning to meet in the Media Center for International Scratch Day! Not only was it the first time for the school to join in the celebration of Scratch worldwide, but the event also marked the unveiling of the Apple MacBook Mobile Learning Lab!  The students began the day by donning a Scratch Day t-shirt, as well as an official Scratch Day ID tag, as they entered the Media Center.  Once the new MacBook Airs were handed to each student, we began the "Interactive Us" project (one of the suggested activities  from the Scratch Day Event Organizing Guide).  The buzzing in the lab continued throughout the morning as the students snapped photos, recorded their voices, and created their stories in Scratch.  Of course, snacks were offered, mostly orange in color, keeping to the theme of the beloved, Scratch Cat. Parents and siblings returned later, and our Scratchers shared their projects, as  well as teaching their family members the basics of Scratch.  We're already planning for International Scratch Day 2013!





Karen Brennan

Love the photos! :)