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We LOVE the new Scratch Teacher Accounts!

The Jackson-Via Computer Club is an after-school coding club for 3rd and 4th graders at Jackson-Via Elementary School in Charlottesville, Virginia.

We really enjoyed alpha-testing a Scratch Teacher Account last spring.  Our students found that saving, sharing, and adding their best projects to our Introduction to Scratch Studio as well as to our Google CS First Storytelling and Music & Sound Scratch Studios to be very quick and easy.  We saved some time at the end of each meeting for students to present a Studio project and answer questions about how (and why) it was coded. This gathering as a group and sharing of projects quickly became the highlight of the day.

Student Presentation

Lots of fun and learning for all.  Thanks, Scratch Team! 

George Floyd
George Floyd  (geoflo33) at SMUS ( in Victoria, Canada. Just testing the teacher accounts now.

Would love to have teacher dashboard view with the student emails or proper names displayed  in the class lists.

For now, I've used a Google Form to query students on their chosen username, captured the email along with the response in a Google Sheet, then hyperlinked the username to their Scratch home or project page.
