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Greek Educational Online Social Network "Logo in Education: a community of practice and learning"


The Greek Educational Online Social Network "Logo in Education: a community of practice and learning" (“LogoinEdu” as abbreviation) was created at the end of May 2009 as an independent initiative using Ning platform. Its goal is the communication, cooperation and exchange of views, ideas and material between members of the educational community from different fields, age and background, who are interested in exploiting Logo as a programming language and philosophy in education. This EOSN primarily concerns teachers of Informatics and Computer Science and in parallel, teachers of various specialties, cognitive subjects and all educational levels who are interested in or/and experimenting with the usage of Logo programming language in the teaching praxis.
As it is denoted in the “LogoinEdu” subtitle “Learn - Construct - Collaborate - Communicate” the ulterior objective of “LogoinEdu” is to function as a learning community of practice, as a forum for the dialogue and mutual support between members of the educational community focusing on the pedagogical exploitation of Logo and Logo-like environments attempting to improve the teaching-learning process.
The network members are invited to interact in the spirit of Social Constructionism: “Let’s function as a community of practice and learning and exchange views, experiences, practices and tools, such as microworlds, websites, lesson plans, worksheets, codes and all kinds of resources necessary for our teaching practice, with the purpose to upgrade the teaching-learning process.” as it is characteristically mentioned in the network pages. 
The groups’ subjects cover every level of education and extend beyond the field of Logo. Most of the groups are active and share many discussions, comments and rich educational material about learning/ familiarizing with/ delving into the various Logo-like environments. 
Among the different groups there is a group named “SCRATCH Applications in Teaching Informatics” [Εφαρμογές του SCRATCH στη διδασκαλία της Πληροφορικής in Greek]. 
On August 8th 2012, “LogoinEdu” counted 873 members and 37 groups. The group “SCRATCH Applications in Teaching Informatics” counted 64 members.