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Beginner Projects That Don't Need a Color Printer

Don't have access to a color printer or the resources to buy books for your students? These projects can be printed on a black and white printer. Many are 2 per page to save paper.
I put these worksheets together after not finding anything free that I could print in black-and-white and give each student a copy. I wanted to share them as I spent a lot of time on them. They have all been used in middle school math classes, and hopefully, I have gotten all the bugs out.
Each Word document has one or more sb2 files to show you how they work, or to use as a demonstration in class. Feel free to edit the Word documents. Many of them have tables with "no borders".  Editing will be easier if you put the borders back in to see where things are placed.
I have more challenging worksheets that I am hoping to share before school starts. Let me know what you think!