This article suggests answers to two questions that many people face:
1. What is the right age to introduce programming?
2. What is the best first language to learn programming?
Contributed by Margarida Romero, September 21, 2016
This guide aims to promote co-creative uses of technologies and contribute to #5c21 development: critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, problem solving and computational thinking.
Lesson Plan, Reference Guide, Textbook
Elementary School, Middle School, Professional Development
Computer Science, Engineering, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Studies, Teacher Education, Technology, Visual Arts, Other
Don't have access to a color printer or the resources to buy books for your students? These projects can be printed on a black and white printer. Many are 2 per page to save paper.
Nous discutons les différences entre l'apprentissage de la programmation de manière procédurale et décontextualisée du curriculum et la programmation créative interdisciplinaire.
Le guide d’activités technocréatives propose 15 activités intégrant différents usages créatifs des TIC: de la programmation débranchée à la programmation et la robotique pédagogique.