In our first #CreativeComputingChat of the year, educators from around the world shared resources and reflected on their goals for teaching with Scratch!
This free, interest-driven curriculum includes projects and resources designed specifically for elementary coders and coding educators with little or no coding experience.
In these videos, twelve Scratch educators share examples of student work, lesson plan ideas, assessment rubrics or other experiences from using Scratch in their classrooms.
After one month, we (EduScratch-Portugal) have translated to portuguese language the MIT's Scratch Curriculum Guide. (Concluída a tradução para língua portuguesa do Scratch Curriculum Guide).
As part of my involvement in an evaluation of Scratch by the EDC, I was provided with a series of questions to use in the daily reflections my students wrote in our class blog.
I "remixed" Karen Randall's rubric and uploaded the project criteria (have a goal, tell a story, be original, show care/effort, demonstrate your coding skills).