This lesson will walk you through building a fun scavenger hunt game. It includes an introduction video, a starter project, and 3 short, step-by-step animated tutorials.
I have created these resources on Scratch 3 and decided to share so it would hopefully help start to convert some of the many Scratch1.4 and Scratch2.0 resources for Scratch 3.
In our first #CreativeComputingChat of the year, educators from around the world shared resources and reflected on their goals for teaching with Scratch!
Contributed by Maytal Bendavid, September 24, 2018
Use these unique free classroom posters to empower your students and create that positive mindset in the classroom, the computer lab, or your makerspace.
Ce tutoriel vous explique pas à pas comment créer votre premier jeu video avec SCRATCH : Thésée et le Minotaure.
Il s'agit d'un jeu tout simple que vous pourrez enrichir au fur et a mesure.