Le bloc «Demander et attendre» est fort utile pour la confection de questionnaires. Ce tutoriel vous permettra de vous familiariser avec son utilisation.
Ce tutoriel vous explique pas à pas comment créer votre premier jeu video avec SCRATCH : Thésée et le Minotaure.
Il s'agit d'un jeu tout simple que vous pourrez enrichir au fur et a mesure.
RIchmond, VA-metro area teachers have been learning about problem-solving and critical thinking through a number of example Scratch projects from Goochland County Public Schools.
Contributed by George Palaigeorgiou, February 19, 2011
A book about creating games in Scratch written by 66 undergraduate cs students through a wiki (Department of Computer & Communication Engineering,University of Thessaly). An analytic approach.
A new video suitable for teaching as a first Scratch project at a computer club available now at http://scratch.redware.com/video/one-key-logo together with other resources.
Contributed by Dimitris Nikolos, December 15, 2010
Can you make a drawing pair of compasses, a helpscreen in seconds? And how can you hide the correct answer to a quiz when your program is in everybody's screen?
A nation wide program...4000 kids...game developers....with Scratch.
What are the challenges? What are the pedagogical and technical approach to implement it?
This year, the code::XtremeApps:: competition in Singapore held a workshop in the Junior Category for children under 12 to learn to program Scratch stories about environmental awareness.